On October 19th Cooperative Fund of the Northeast gathered its friends, board of trustees, borrowers, investors, supporters, and advisors in Boston to launch the Cooperative Capital Fund.
To read more: CLICK HERE
Representatives of the Boston area cooperatives, including housing cooperatives, worker-owned businesses and food cooperatives spoke to the group providing testimonials on how CFNE had helped them and encouraging the creation of the Cooperative Capital Fund. Speakers included Harvest Markets Coop General Manager Mike St. Clair, Red Sun Press worker-owner Jenny Silverman, and Boston Community Housing Co-op owner-resident Micha Joshphy.
The event was held at the home of the Episcopal City Mission, a 10 year investor in CFNE and the provider of a catalyst grant that enabled the creation of CCF.
Investors were represented by Randy Rice from Trillium Asset Management and Rob Everts from Equal Exchange announced their support. Cabot Creamery Cooperative provided cheese and financial support.
To read more: CLICK HERE
The October 19th launch party event was a huge success