Fund the Future

Our Social Investment Notes are offered for sale only to investors located in states where CFNE has registered the Notes for sale or where the sale is exempt from registration requirements. By clicking the link below to download the Prospectus, you certify that you are located in one of the following states. If you don’t see your state, please check back frequently as our list of states is expanding.

  • Alaska
  • California
  • Colorado 
  • Connecticut
  • Guam
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois 
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • Oregon 
  • Rhode Island
  • South Dakota
  • Texas
  • US Virgin Islands
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Wyoming

Since 1975, the Cooperative Fund of the Northeast (CFNE) has been a socially responsible lending organization and investment option. With the support of our investor community, we serve cooperatives in New England and New York with products and programs that meet the unique needs of cooperative enterprises.


CFNE’S Investor Network

At CFNE, investing is about more than money — it’s also putting in effort and time to achieve a desired result. Our desired result is our stated vision— economic justice for all through thriving cooperative enterprises. Our network of investors believe in that mission and they believe in our ability to execute.

capital investors
staff and board
community at large

Capital Investors are the people, cooperatives, businesses, banks, community and religious organizations that loan CFNE money. These loans, also called securities or “notes”, increase the money we have available to lend out to co-ops. (1)

Donors contribute money, time, and in-kind resources to sustain and grow CFNE’s learning and technical assistance programs. Donations are tax deductible because CFNE is a tax exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

CFNE’s staff and board invest their time as they share knowledge, skills, and expertise to keep CFNE moving in alignment with mission, vision, and values that support cooperatives. Staff and board are sometimes capital investors as well.

The community at large is anyone working toward the same goals as us, whether through contributing their funds, time, voice or curiosity to expanding the cooperative economy. These relationships help us to reach and serve more co-ops.

(1) An investment in a note is not a charitable gift and is not entitled to a charitable deduction for income tax purposes.  Interest earned on a note generally is taxable as ordinary income.  This should not be construed as tax advice.  You should consult your own advisor.

Become a Capital Investor

Capital Investors<br />
By investment amounts</p>
<p>42% Individuals<br />
8% Faith Based<br />
4% Government<br />
3% Nonprofits<br />
23% Trusts<br />
3% Co-ops<br />
5% Banks<br />
12% Foundations<br />
data is current as of December 31, 2023

Overall, investment notes range from $1,000 to over $1,000,000 and the average investment amount made by individuals to CFNE was roughly $55,000 USD in 2023.

Why Invest With Us?

Two common reasons cited for investing in CFNE are mission alignment and visible community impact.

  • Impact: because of their shared ownership structure, co-ops don’t have easy access to the business capital they need from conventional sources like banks. Your CFNE social investment enables us to provide flexible, tailored loans to cooperatives throughout the northeast!
  • Mission-Driven: our mission drives our work and our vision is our north star. If you align with the heart of our mission — economic, social, and racial justice — then you might be our people. If you can see our vision of “economic justice for all through thriving cooperative enterprises” that’s even more confirmation.
  • Strong Borrower Portfolio: Our borrowers tend to have long-term relationships with us and we have borrowers across different communities, economic sectors and geographies.* Because we are committed to helping co-ops succeed and thrive, we pair our financing with customized, often long-term, technical assistance.
  • Due Diligence: when assessing potential borrowers, we pay special attention to community benefit, level of access the client has to other capital sources, as well as business feasibility and the capacity of owners to maintain (or grow) business operations. This work, plus our various support for portfolio co-ops, has resulted in a loss rate of under 1% (as of 12/31/2023).***More detailed operations, eligibility, and policy related information can be found in our Prospectus.

More detailed operations, eligibility, and policy related information can be found in our Prospectus.


Get Started

The most important part to getting started is to first make sure you live in a state or territory where we offer investment notes (refer to the list at the top of this page). 

Then read through our Prospectus so you are fully aware of the risks and prepared to make an informed investment decision. 

After reading through the Prospectus, reach out if you have any questions. We are always happy to talk things through. When ready, you can invest with us on your own terms within these three parameters:

note types available are demand or term, rates up to 3.5%, and multiple payout options

And here are a few more key details:

  • Minimum investment: $1,000
  • Minimum investment term: One year
  • Term Notes: You may choose the amount of time you’d like to stay invested. Interest rates range from 1.5% – 3.5% depending on how long you stay invested, with the interest rate increasing the longer you stay invested.
  • Demand notes: You may invest up to $100,000 in a note that has no specific maturity date, redeemable upon your request (after the one year investment mark) at an interest rate of 1.25%

Associated risks include:

  • Investments are unsecured and uninsured by any government agency
  • Investments are not liquid and will remain invested until maturity
  • Investors have no control over CFNE operations
  • Interest earned is taxable
  • No guarantee of a return on your investment

To learn more or initiate an investment, get in touch with us!


Josie Shagwert
Capital & Culture Manager

Write to Josie:
PO BOX 970
Watertown, MA 02471

Call or email Josie:

* Past performance is no guarantee of future results. 

** CFNE may restructure loans experiencing repayment difficulties. The loan loss allowance was established based upon our best estimates. Ultimate losses may vary from current estimates.

*** Rates for new investments or renewals are subject to change. 

CFNE’s securities are unsecured debt securities subject to terms, conditions and risks described in our Prospectus, including risk of possible loss of the amount invested. Payment is dependent on CFNE’s financial condition at the time payment is due. This is not an offer to sell you our securities. The offering is made solely by the Prospectus and only in states or jurisdictions where authorized.  Before investing, you should read our Prospectus.

● Not FDIC or SIPC insured       ● Not a bank deposit      ● No CFNE guarantee

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