Co-ops Transform Communities! CFNE’s 2024 Annual Appeal

We decide our future, and it’s one where co-ops transform communities and the economy. In the midst of uncertainty, some things remain steady and true. Co-ops have been around for hundreds of years, and across many cultures. In times of social and economic turmoil...

Take Our Climate Resilience Projected Projects Survey

We have launched our Climate Resilience Projected Projects Survey! We are working to be more intentional about our programs that advance cooperative, climate related projects in the region.  To support our work in this, please take a moment to complete the survey and...

Our Updated Prospectus for 2024 is Here

Our updated Prospectus comes out each year around this time. You can always find the most recent version on our website. This year there are no changes to the investment terms, just additions to the states and US territories in which we offer our securities,...

Remembering Clark Arrington

It is with a heavy heart that we must give this farewell to longtime CFNE board leader Clark Arrington, who passed away in late September. He has served on and off our board since 1991, and was serving on our board as well as our Governance and Racial Equity...

Changes on the CFNE Board of Trustees

Changes are afoot on the CFNE Board of Trustees. After many years of outstanding service, Andy Danforth, Jon Reske, Daniel Ross, and Duke Bouchard are terming off the board. Aliana Pinero will be moving into a new leadership role replacing Andy as board treasurer.  We...