We are proud to announce that we are a recipient of the 2024 Real Leader Impact Award. With over 500 applications from 15+ countries, the Real Leader Impact Awards ranked privately-owned companies by asking 30 questions within 6 categories of I.M.P.A.C.T (Intention, Model, People, Accountability, Collaboration, and Transformation) to vet and rank companies based on those parameters.

CFNE was selected for its outstanding contributions to supporting cooperative enterprises and community development initiatives. Through its innovative financing programs and technical assistance, CFNE has helped empower communities, create sustainable jobs, and promote economic equity in the region.

“We are honored to receive the Real Leaders 2024 Impact Award, which reflects our ongoing commitment to promoting cooperative values and strengthening local economies,” said Micha Josephy, Executive Director at CFNE. “This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff, board, and partners who have contributed to our success.”


Real Leaders is the fastest-growing community for impact leaders backed by a global media platform dedicated to driving positive change. Founded in 2010, Real Leaders recognized and advocated that businesses take more responsibility to be as cognizant of their impact on employees, society, and the planet as they are on their bottom line. Real Leaders is an independently owned certified B Corporation and member of the UN Global Compact. Our mission is to unite farsighted leaders to transform our shortsighted world.

For more information about the Real Leaders 2024 Impact Award, p and to see the fully ranked list, please visit the Real Leaders website here.