Announcing a new online course in cooperatives at University of Connecticut taught by our own Erbin Crowell.
Cultivate the cooperative movement!
More than 800 million people around the world are members of cooperatives, including an estimated 1 in 4 Americans. And yet, few colleges or universities offer courses that explore the contribution co-ops make to our economy and society.
The University of Connecticut realizes the dire importance of cooperative economies and offers you a new 3-credit online course, Introduction to the Cooperative Movement. You will learn about the history and philosophy of the co-op movement, and its relevance to modern economic challenges.
Online courses provide the flexibility and opportunity to participate with students of all ages from a variety of states and countries. Join us this spring for a truly refreshing and energetic view of a focused economic infrastructure from wherever you are.
To view the course syllabus or to request more information, visit
For more information please contact the Public and Community Engagement Office at the University of Connecticut’s Center for Continuing Studies at 860-486-0358