Success Stories
Click the following links to read about some of our borrowers’ and supporters’ success stories.
- Burlington Cohousing
- Collective Copies
- Crop Circle Kitchen Enterprise Incubator
- Deep Root Organic Farmers Coop
- Energia Sustainable Energy Services
- Fedco Co-op Garden Supply
- HAPHousing (HAP)- fka Hampden Hampshire Housing Partnership
- Handwork, Ithaca’s Cooperative Craft Store
- Littleton Food Coop
- Local Sprouts Cooperative
- Oak Street Cooperative of Bath
- Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaic Cooperative
- South Royalton Food Coop
- Willimantic Food Coop
- Cabot Creamery Cooperative: CFNE donor
- City Market/ Onion River Co-op and Berkshire Co-op Market: CFNE investors
- Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut: CFNE investor
- Equal Exchange: CCF investor and former CFNE borrower
- Pedal People: CFNE cooperative investor