CFNE has two new job openings, please help us spread the word! The first is a new position: Loan Administrator and Bookkeeper, created to provide administrative support to our lending and financial management operations. The second position is open because Lane Fury, our Loan and Outreach Officer for Vermont and New Hampshire, will be transitioning out of their position at CFNE soon.
While we are very sad to lose Lane as staff, and have enjoyed working with them enormously, we are also excited for their next steps and wish them every success.
Some words from Lane:
It's hard not to use cheesy cliche words like proud and honored to describe how I feel about my time as a loan officer with CFNE, or my boundless gratitude and respect for CFNE's staff, borrowers, partners, and board members. While I'm leaving CFNE staff, I don't feel that I am truly leaving CFNE as I remain committed to the vision, the work, and the people, and I look forward to connecting with many of you over the next months and into the future.
We are launching the hiring process immediately for both positions Please see below for an announcement that you can easily circulate to your relevant contacts and networks.
Job Openings at CFNE – please circulate to your networks
Do you, or does someone in your network:
- Feel passion about growing cooperative enterprises and getting them the capital they need?
- Love to work independently, and enjoy being part of a team of peers, learning and working together?
- Seek employment that values work-life balance?
- Strive to be part of an anti-racist/anti-oppressive culture?
- Know great things are possible with open communication?
CFNE is a leader in co-op community development finance, seeking candidates to fill two open positions on our great team. We've been fostering a healthy remote work environment with fair and competitive pay and benefits for over 45 years.
The Loan and Outreach Officer for Vermont and New Hampshire is a key position that builds relationships with cooperative enterprises, helps them thrive, analyzes financial information to support better decision-making, and makes debt capital accessible to businesses and communities that might not otherwise get that start.
The Loan Administrator and Bookkeeper is a new position that provides much-needed support to the lending team. Keeping the books, the files, the records complete and accurate, the right person feels real satisfaction in checking things off the list and making sure everything is done just so. And, you will be wildly appreciated for these skills!
Applicants can send their cover letters and resumes to josie[at], with priority consideration given to Loan and Outreach Officer applications received by 11/21 and Loan Administrator and Bookkeeper applications received by 11/30.